2013年4月29日 星期一

TCPIPUTILS.com - ip, dns, email, whois and seo tools

TCPIPUTILS.com - provides a bundle of Internet Utilities like ping, tracert, dns blackhole list, dns lookup and whois information.

TCPIPUTILS.com 提供了一堆網絡常用的工具,包括 ping, tracert, dns blackhole list, dns lookup 和 whois 資料。

Google Chrome extension 外掛程式: Network and Internet tools »

2013年4月28日 星期日

David Pogue: 10 top time-saving tech tips 10個省時的科技小秘訣

Tech columnist David Pogue shares 10 simple, clever tips for computer, web, smartphone and camera users. And yes, you may know a few of these already -- but there's probably at least one you don't.

科技專欄作家大衛波格10個簡單的計算機、網絡、智能手機和相機小秘訣。是的,你可能已經知道幾個 - 但可能至少有一個你是不知道的。

2013年4月23日 星期二

Library in North Korea


In the Library of North Korea, students are "working at computers connected to the local intranet."

More: http://instagram.com/dguttenfelder/

Pyongyang Racer 平壤賽車

North Korea launched its first official computer online game "Pyongyang racing" to introduce the North Korean capital, Pyongyang in 2012.


It is reported that the game is developed by Nosotek, the outsourced company of North Korea's official travel agency of tourism "Koryo Tour". It is known that Kim Jong-un loves to play video games in his  childhood. It is interesting to know if he has ever tried this game.

據悉,該遊戲是由北韓官方旅行社「高麗觀光 Koryo Tour」委托 IT 外判公司「Nosotek」開發。據知金正恩自小就愛玩遊戲機,未知在這遊戲推出時,他自己有沒有試玩一番呢?

While playing the game, remember to pay attention to the street, such as the "Arc de Triomphe" in Pyongyang, Ryugyong Hotel and other landmarks. Of course, the appearance of the building after the optimization process.


"This game was developed in 2012 and is not intended to be a high-end technological wonder hit game of the 21st century, but more a fun race game (arcade style) where you drive around in Pyongyang and learn more about the sites and get a glimpse of Pyongyang," Koryo Tours said on the game's website.

「這個遊戲是在2012年開發的,它並不打算成為21世紀的一個高科技遊戲。有趣的這個賽車遊戲是街機風格的,你將會在平壤周圍駕車,並看到平壤的街景 。」這是高麗旅遊於其遊戲的網站說的。

Pyongyang Racer's website: http://www.pyongyangracer.co/

Koryo Tours 北韓官方旅行社「高麗觀光 」: http://www.koryogroup.com/

2013年4月13日 星期六

鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜

鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜

是一個經典的 Linux 的教學網站,內容非常豐富,並以輕鬆的手法引導讀者學習。 作者 VBird 是台灣著名的 Linux 專家,曾於多家教學心及
菎山科技大學教授 Linux 課程。




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