2013年2月10日 星期日

New Mobile Life 流動日報

這個網站詳細提供了 Apple 產品的消息,從iPhone、iPad 等的消息、實用情報、限時免費 Apps ,到 iOS Jailbreak 的最新發展及技巧等,站長都提供了很多寶貴的意見。



官方 App (流動日報): https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/liu-dong-ri-bao/id545235033?mt=8

官方 App (限時免費軟件集中營): http://itunes.apple.com/app/id470503827?mt=8

Google Doodles 谷歌塗鴉

Google Doodles are designed by a team of illustrators and engineers. They build doodles nearly every day to represent a variety of events that happen around the world.

Some doodles are actually handy games. An example is hurdles in London Olympic Games.


The homepage of Google Doodles:

2013年2月2日 星期六

Moonshot Thinking

Moonshot Thinking by Google

Moonshots live in the gray area between audacious technology and pure science fiction. Instead of a mere 10% gain, a moonshot aims for a 10x improvement over what currently exists. The combination of a huge problem, a radical solution to that problem, and the breakthrough technology that just might make that solution possible, is the essence of a moonshot.

Please join us at http://www.solveforx.com and browse through the hundreds of moonshots that have been curated by the community.